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How to strengthen dog food palatability

The so-called dog food is the food that dog eat.

Necessary active ingredient for dog food (essential nutrients ingredients for dog):

1. the protein is a vital component of blood, muscle, and the skin. Protein that contains the body's essential amino acid is high-quality protein.

2. the body fat is a source of heat. The remaining parts is stored in the form of  subcutaneous fat, whick may protect internal organs and promote brain function.
3.carbohydrates includes sugars and fiber. Sugar is also an important source of body heat, which can guarantee the normal operation of the digestive organs. Adjustment of intestinal is one function of fiber.
4.the vitamin contribute to carbohydrates, fats, proteins functioning in the body as a lubricant. In addition, the dog's body can automatically synthesize vitamin C.
5.inorganics includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. It can maintain normal body functions operate from the regulation.
6. water is the most important life-sustaining elements. Lack of  10% -15% water is life-threatening to a dog.

     Based on the above, daily demand in the dog food recipe design must be taken into consideration, but there is a new issue coming out - dog food palatability. Because of the design of the dog food product, by type of  raw material, raw material costs, market factors and other factors, sometimes some high fiber, minerals, crude ash may be used, which affects  palatability. Sohow to meet both of the dog's physical needs and maintaining  the taste of dog food? After trial we draw the following conclusions:

1. Many dog food manufacturers mistake that dogs prefer salty to sweet, which is a common phenomenon . In fact, in the choice of savory at the same time dog prefer a touch of sweet child, so in the production of dog  food, it is perfectly appropriate to select some of the sweetness;

2, In every aspect of the manufacture, we need to consider "palatability damage repair", minerals affect palatability.After high temperature, part of the variability of raw materials produce metabolites, derivatives, and thus  also affect the color, taste palatability or the part of the attractant products' part of the failure or complete failure. Many dog food managers often ask why they add so many attractant, but effect is not obvious? I want to  emphasize here: palatability of damage must be completely repaired.

3, To improve palatability attractant choice. Professional expertise on the market for dogs, dog food attractant, attractant liquid part, the quality is different. We focus on several types of products. Raw material  composition, the carrier source, adding the proportion of high-temperature type and other factors. A good dog food attractant lies in its color, its taste. To test how good in general attractant will be adding some type of  raw materials such as animal liver, so it is important to sources of these raw materials, whether fresh, whether pure.

4, The first aspect that impact dog feeding is taste, but more important is the dominant

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We can also provide special design and product according to our clients` special requirements.



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